Lidya Madencilik aims to become the most valuable mining company in Eurasia by maintaining its activities in Turkey and the region at competitive and high standards, while continuing its project evaluation activities in the African continent.

With a decade in the mining industry, having been part of Çöpler’s success story, having led 2 significant mineral discoveries and developed new projects, partnered with 2 respected North American mining companies, and built strong relationships with the international mining community and financial institutions, Lidya is building a portfolio of gold and copper properties in Central Asia, the Balkans and Africa to realize its vision of becoming the most valuable and respected mining company in Eurasia.

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Lidya Madencilik | Homepage
Lidya Madencilik | Homepage
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Employment for More People
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Mineral Exploration Area
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In the world

Lidya Mines

Çalık Holding is one of Turkey's leading conglomerates, operating in 5 different sectors in more than 20 countries and employing over 13,500 people worldwide.